Saturday, December 19, 2009

What's Next?

So now that I'm done with school what shall I do with my time?

On a professional level I have several projects that I am working on - I am working on creating three screencasts.

One will be titled A Skill Building Tour of the Library - this screencast will be designed to introduce the library by teaching information literacy skills pertinent to each area of the library. For instance,Reference will include:
Evaluation Skills - how to tell if resources are appropriate, Search Skills - gathering citations and materials, and Citation skills will introduce the new bibliography builder in Word 2007.

The next two screencasts will be for younger patrons & those that teach them. On our campus there are camps offered for children in the summer. I will create screencasts which teach the counselors how to utilize our resources for teaching and one that is geared to middle school and high school kids so that they can understand how to use our resources, too.

On a personal level, I will finally have time to begin some family projects which I have been planning for a long time. The first will involve my father, his letters and sermons from Viet Nam. I think it would be very interesting to have the Viet Nam story told from a Chaplain's perspective. The next will involve my mother and all of her family stories. I would love to put them in manuscript form. One of her friends, a prominent Southern Literature expert, has agreed to write a Foreword, and another of her friends, a prominent linguist, has agreed to edit it. Once this is all done we will present it to my mother so that she may agree to send it to a university press.

Great Week

What a week it has been. My mom's friend from France, Roger', came into town just in time to join us for my graduation on December 17th; how cool is that? We had a great time at the Library School reception held in the Virginia Dare room of the Alumni house.

The reception was much more formal than I anticipated. Our main speaker was Wanda Brown, president-elect of NCLA. She was quite inspirational. I also enjoyed the student speakers, one was my friend, Jason Hyatt. It was really nice to be formally inducted into the field of librarianship and I am very glad I attended. My mom and my daughter enjoyed it, too, as did Roger' who was able to converse with Dr. Carmichael in his native tongue.

After the reception we made our way to Old Salem and looked around for a bit before dining in the Old Salem Tavern. What a lovely way to celebrate this achievement in my life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Last Session of Library 2.0 for Transfer Students

The last session for transfer students went very well; we learned about podcasts, wikis, and blogs, and four people showed up. One lady got really excited that her stuff was actually going to be on the Internet.

Using Mypodcast was a great way to showcase the Atkins Library recording studio. We went into the sound room to listen to the students final products. We played around with how to record in there as well, but I wanted the students to be familiar with how they would use the podcast recorder with a PC before spoiling them in the Mac Lab.

Interested in all I showed them? Visit my website:

Overall it was a great experience to work with the transfer students. Next semster I will be working with the library liaison for adult students to do a bit more with the transfer population. Atkins library will be expanding services to transfer students now that we have made the contact wth the transfer student advisor. As Martha says, "it's a good thing."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wikis and Blogs

I started this blog because of athe last project I am doing for library school. The project is designed to help transfer and non-traditional students understand the library and Web 2.0 applications. It is a four-part workshop. The first night was library instruction and computer basic, the second night was an introduction to Google Docs and Apps and this third session
is the wiki and blog session; which is the session I put the most time and work into. The last session, which will be held the week after next, is podcasting. Anyway, it is 7:25 pm and no one has shown yet; the session was to begin at 7:00pm.


I can understand why academic librarians stop offering services which students are not required to attend. A ton of work goes into creating web pages, handouts, and evaluations only for no one to show. The lack of interest makes me want to cancel the last session of this program which is podcasting.

I did worry that no direct correspondence this week would result in a low turnout but all of the people who were here last week said they would be here this week. My evaluations were solid. I wish I knew what happened. I had an ad on Channel 22, the TV station for campus - I had really hoped that would do the trick. Direct correspondence, within a week of the event, seems to be the most effective form of advertising to college students.

I am seriously wondering if I should cancel the podcast session for the week after next or if I should post some flyers and do another direct e-mail. I think I'll take heart and go with the latter. I guess if I were a student and I had a choice of whether to go home or attend a library presentation, I would go home, too. Hopefully they are home and dutifully going through my online instruction modules.

For any blog followers - you guys already know how to do this - but my sessions are posted on a Google site:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Library 2.0 Class for Tansfer and Non-Traditional Students

In my last semster as a library student I am creating an in-house four-part workshop for library instruction and Web 2.0 designed to help transfer students and non-traditional students learn more about the library and technology.

The first in-house session only had two people in spite of a mass e-mail being sent to about 2600 people. Of those that signed up, two e-mailed me to let me know it was the basketball traffic which caused them not to come out. I have taken out an ad on the campus network for the next three sessions, so hopefully they will be well attended.

To reach those who are unable to come I am also designing online modules using Jing, photshop and dreamweaver and our own library webpage. Perhaps I'm making it too hard on myself. The first session was just a basic introduction to the library, the online catalog, and the databases. Both students that attended were business students. Since I have already prepared for a MBA class I have to teach tomorrow I was able to show them a number of different business resources that excited them- the SWOT analyses in BSP, Morningstar analyst reviews, etc.

This Thursday I am teaching a class about Google - setting up your Google account, using Google Docs, iGoogle, and Google Scholar.

The following Thursday I will be teaching wikis and blogs using PBworks and Blogger - this is what prompted me to start a new blog. And on December 1st I will teach the final session - podcasting. When all four online modules are available I will post them on this blog. I knowyou'll be looking forward to it.